Siouxland Bible College

Siouxland Christian College and Theological Seminary is a branch of Kingsway Christian University in Des Moines, IA.  It has a Bible-based, nondenominational curriculum that can lead to degrees from associate to doctoral; or the classes can be taken for personal enrichment for a small fee.


Fall classes start September 7, 2023 at 6 pm. Thery will continue on Thursday evenings (excpt Thanksgiving Day) until December 14, 2023 which will be the last night of classes for the semester.




                   6 pm  New Testament Survey II (Rev. Shirley Murren, Instructor) 

                               Texts: Jensen's Survey if the New Testament (I. Jensen) and a study syllabus


                   7 pm  Student-led chapel and prayer


                    7:30 pm   The Return of the Gods (Rev. Wally Greene, instructor)

                                      Texts: Return of the Gods (J. Cahn); workbook (Toon)





To enroll, check on costs or for other questions, call Jane at 712-259-2863.








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© Jane Greene